What we do
Democracy should give more space to ordinary citizens. Therefore, we develop and support new forms of citizen participation that strengthen democracy in municipalities, cities, regions and at the national level.
We call for the organization of citizens' assemblies with participants drawn by lot and deliberation.
Random selection, also known as "sortition", enables that everyone has an equal chance to participate. Moreover, sortition ensures that the group around the table is diverse, bringing together as many views as possible.
Deliberation implies that the panel participants have the necessary time and information available to make responsible decisions.
Our 4 areas of work
1. Consulting and Advocacy
We inform politicians about developments in democratic innovation. Together, we reflect on how to achieve a more inclusive and participatory policy. To do this, we rely on studies from universities in Belgium and abroad, on the work of the OECD and the United Nations and on the expertise of our international network.
We also assist public institutions or civil society actors in setting up citizens' assemblies or other forms of democratic innovation.
Each case is different. That is why the design of these deliberative or participatory processes must consider characteristics such as the subject matter, the level of power, the parties involved in the issue, etc.
The Permanent Citizen Dialogue in the German-speaking Community of Belgium is one of our achievements. This deliberative process is now known worldwide as the "Ostbelgien model".
2. Democracy training
Expertise on democratic innovation is growing fast. Practices are being refined and the theoretical basis is growing. We want to inform politicians, researchers, field operators, etc. of these developments. This information is available on our website, in our newsletter and on social networks.
Furthermore, the Autumn School yearly brings together international specialists and people active in the field of democratic innovation. It is a unique opportunity to share not only their theoretical knowledge but also very concrete advice and good practices. This annual meeting has become one of the highlights of deliberative democracy in Europe.
3. Network-building
G1000 builds bridges between all actors and all citizens concerned by democratic issues. We also reach out to the press and our international network.
By bringing these different actors together, we can set up strategic partnerships that enhance the impact of our projects.
4. Raising awareness
Without citizen support, there can be no democratic innovation. That's why G1000 strives to make democratic innovations known to as many people as possible. We animate the public debate by conducting information campaigns and by speaking in the media, at events or on social networks.